3 day “Permaculture Picnics” Cycle

Source: Heeltsje Graansma

Welcome home.

Would you like to feel more at home in the world at present time? And do you also want to offer this healthy and safe feeling of home to others? Would you like to discover how (social) permaculture design can shape culture? Do you want to discover and strengthen your natural leadership qualities?

Join us for a picnic to connect with these questions! Registrations are open until September 12.

We invite you to a cycle of three Permaculture Picnics.

The vision behind this cycle is to nurture and strengthen each other’s natural leadership and to learn together to embody nature-inclusive, regenerative culture. Feel part of a growing social mycelium of committed people who want to support and inspire each other in generating a healthy, solidarity-based world. The three Permaculture Picnics connect together as a cycle in which we experience the three domains of Cultural Emergence through interactive exercises and tools.

Cultural Emergence is a relatively new framework developed by Looby Macnamara and Jon Young that inspires us tremendously. It combines elements of social permaculture as well as the 8 Shields and Art of Mentoring methods. The latter form a framework in which nature connection is central and in which Peacekeeping elements and insights are interwoven from different indigenous peoples from all over the world. We would like to share this transformative work and introduce you to it during three beautiful, co-creative days.

The individual picnics can also be a valuable experience, especially if you choose a theme that really matters to you at the moment. Although the experience of participating in the entire journey allows for more deepening, integration and community building. We offer a nice discount on participation in the whole cycle.

In addition to feeding the head, heart and body with a beautiful substantive program, we also literally nurture each other with the potluck picnic. Eating together (in nature) connects. Everyone brings something delicious to share. In addition to enjoying and relaxing, we can also learn more about each other and our cultural backgrounds here.

Bron: Mali Boomkens
Bron: Mali Boomkens

Sunday October 1
“Move and Invogorate”

How do we get into motion on a personal, social and community level? How can we be effective in action and strengthening each other in our movements? What questions can we ask to promote solidarity?

You will become acquainted with the core routines of Cultural Emergence and learn to embody the wind directions from the 8 Shields method. We integrate our ideas on natural leadership and explore and strengthen our own ‘superpowers’. Last but not least, we develop personal visions and dreams into a social permaculture design with the Design Web tool. You can learn to manifest a movement towards an inclusive and regenerative culture!


Day to Day Permaculture Picnics Cycle:

Sunday, September 17
“Challenge and Awaken”

What is happening in the world around us and how much do we feel at home in it? What is culture? How do you connect to different (sub)cultures and social dynamics in your own life?

We practice deep listening with each other and examine assumptions, privileges and patterns in ourselves and in nature. We dip our feet into permaculture ethics and systemic thinking. We feel what it is like to come home in our body. We broaden our view by connecting with future generations. Get a taste of a world in which abundance and a more harmonious and healthier relationship with each other are core values.

Bron: Mali Boomkens
Bron: Heeltsje Graansma

Sunday October 15
“Nourish and Nurture”

How do we nourish and nurture a regenerative culture? How can we nurture sustainable movement and avoid burning up?

Caring for each other, our world and ourselves is something we can learn and integrate into our daily lives. Time for reflection, gratitude for the harvest and rest. A walk teaches us, among other things, about the nourishing and healing qualities of the world of wild plants and trees. To recognize those qualities in ourselves, we return to the smallest home we know, our body. Nature is our mirror and can help us find inspiration. Everyone will use this to create their own self-care design.

After the immersion in Cultural Emergence, you will return home full of inspiration. Nourished by the experiences and effective tools and with many new connections, the insights and directive questions will help you on your and our common path to a regenerative, nature-inclusive society. We are happy to continue spinning that web with you together! ~


On the three Sundays we make ourselves at home in the cultivated nature of the Belmonte arboretum in Wageningen. We choose this intermediate form of culture and nature because we want to continue to feel at home in society, but also want to include the beauty and inspiration of connection with nature in our journey of discovery with Cultural Emergence.

For us, the arboretum is living proof that people can also create beautiful natural places that add value to the community. More people can enjoy nature because some culture has been introduced: paths, benches, fields. Enlivened by the many hands of volunteers that have cared for the arboretum.

Bron: www.botanischetuinen.nl


9.30 – 10.00: walk-in with tea & sweets
10.00 – 13.00: intro & morning sessions (incl break)
13.00 – 14.30: picnic & relax
14.30 – 17.00: afternoon sessions (incl break) & closing

Who is it for, the Permaculture Picnics?

For people who want to learn about designing for culture with the ethics and basic principles of permaculture.

People who want to (learn to) see relationships in nature as a source of inspiration for consciously shaping their natural and social environment.

For example:

>People who are looking for a different flow in their working lives, either wanting a change in the existing situation, or to put new energy into it with new insights.

>People who live in a residential co-living home and who encounter resistance in the social process or in practical sustainable changes.

>People looking for other empathetic people who feel involved in climate and / or environmental problems.

> People who want to help systemic change/transform culture towards more natural, inclusive and healthy living together.

Bron: Mali Boomkens

Financial contribution for participation:

We would like everyone who can really use it and who feels a clear YES to our offer, to participate. That is why we have set 3 price ranges. Someone with an average or above average income can thus co-finance a place for someone who has a minimum income. Solidarity in action! Because this is the first collaboration between Mali and Heeltsje we have chosen to offer our offer for a pilot price rate. If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to contact us.

For orientation: Modal income is currently net p/m: € 2550

Minimum to low income is currently max. €1502 for an individual.

So if your net income as a single person without holiday allowance exceeds € 2550 p/m, consider financing a place for someone with a minimum income or a student by paying “participation average and above average”.

The whole cylcle of the three picnics:
– Participation average and above average: € 465,- (€ 155,- per day)
– Participation above minimum to average income: € 375 (€ 125 per day)
– Minimum income participation: € 225 (€ 75 per day)
Loose days:
– Participation average and above average: €175 per day
– Participation above minimum to average income: €145 per day
– Minimum income participation: €95 per day

Via Hipsy you can reserve your place for the entire cycle with the above discount or for one or two separate days for the normal price per day. ~

Bron: Mali Boomkens

Do you feel a clear YES? Once you have reserved your spot, we would like to ask you to complete the following introduction form. We are happy to adapt to questions, ideas and background of the participants and also have open space in which you can contribute! We very much look forward to meeting you to grow and spread this social, regenerative mycelium together.

In gratitude, Heeltsje & Mali